Shield Check

Terms of Service & Privacy Policy

Terms of Service

The firewall check attempts to make connections to your computer (at address but does not retrieve or save any information from your computer. By using this service you: 1) give permission to make these connections, 2) agree to indemnify and hold me and my service providers harmless from any claim, damage, or liability resulting from your use of this firewall test, and 3) take responsibility for initiating a test of your equipment and the equipment of those providing you with Internet access. If your computer is behind a proxy, router, or external firewall (common at businesses) this may be a test of those devices and not your computer. If so it will still be a test of your protection from the Internet, but not from your local network. You should have permission to conduct this test on the equipment before doing so. Firewalls may consider this test an attack, and may block and/or log the address of this server: or It is not an attack. This policy is subject to change without notice.

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Privacy Policy

I value privacy. Typical information that is automatically gathered by the majority of web servers, such as your IP address and browser type, may be compiled into web site usage statistics. No other personally identifiable information is gathered by this site or the firewall tester. If you email me then your email address will be kept private and you will not receive spam as a result. No personally identifiable information is released to other parties, except in the following rare exceptions, and even then only as necessary.

Exceptions: The above paragraph does not apply to: 1) Anyone intentionally abusing this site. 2) Anyone who is threatening or abusive, as determined by me. 3) Anyone who admits to illegal activities. 4) Any information requested by legal authorities.

I shall not be held liable if any information is stolen from me or unintentionally released, as allowed by law. Every effort is made to keep this site as secure as reasonably possible.

This policy is subject to change without notice.

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